There are said to be 1,000 Warhammer 40k Space Marine Chapters within the Imperium of Man, each tracing itsorigin back to the nine loyalSpace Marine Legionsthat stood beside the Emperor of Mankind during the Horus Heresy.
We have a separate guide toSpace Marinesthat explains what they are, and how they play on the tabletop.Or if you’d prefer to learn about armies with a little less power armor,we have guides to all the otherWarhammer 40k factions.
This guide covers themost important chapters – those that bear the names of the lost legions, and their mostfamous successors. It introduces theircharacter and history,as well as pointing you towards our full-fat guides to each chapter.
Here’s everything you need to know about Warhammer 40k’s Space Marine Chapters:
- Space Marine Legions
- First Founding Chapters
- Dark Angels
- White Scars
- Space Wolves
- Imperial Fists
- Blood Angels
- Iron Hands
- Ultramarines
- Salamanders
- Raven Guard
- Successor Chapters
- Black Templars
- Crimson Fists
- Flesh Tearers
- Astral Claws
- Lamenters
- Minotaurs
- Carcharadon Astra
- Sons of Medusa
Space Marine Legions
In 40k lore, the Space Marine Legions were the first organised armies of Adeptus Astarteswarriors – formed and blooded in the 31st millennium – ten millennia before the setting’s ‘present day’.
TheEmperor of Mankindcreated20 vastlegions of transhuman marines – the Legiones Astartes – using a combination of his own genius, and the workof many genetic scientists(chief among themAmar Astarte, after whom the resulting warriors were named). They were intended to be the spearhead of a Great Crusade that would reconquer all the domains of mankind across the galaxy.
Eachlegion wasmany thousands strong, and each was bred exclusively fromthe genetic material of one of the Imperium’s extraordinary Primarchs: uniquelyadvanced primogenitor marines made from the Emperor’s own genetic code, each of whomacted as a crusading general at the head of his allotted legion.
ThePrimarchs and theirlegions fought alongside one another for many years in the Great Crusade, successfully expanding the Imperium far and wide throughout our galaxy–latterly under the leadership of Horus Lupercal, Primarch of the XVI Legion, named ‘Warmaster’ by the Emperor himself.
Then, tragically, nefarious Warhammer 40k Chaos forces intervened. Several times.
Thanks largely tocunningschemes laid by Chaplain Erebus of the Word Bearers legion, Horus Lupercal defected to the service of the Chaos gods.Hiscivil uprising against the Emperor’s rule was later known as the Horus Heresy.
From the Heresy’s initial,devastating ambushes at Istvaan III and V-and for all time thereafter– the 18 Space Marine legions were split by Imperial historians into two camps: they were loyalists, or they were traitors.
Legion | Primarch | Allegiance |
I Legion – Dark Angels | Lion El’Jonson | Loyalist |
III Legion – Emperor’s Children | Fulgrim | Traitor |
IV Legion – Iron Warriors | Perturabo | Traitor |
V Legion – White Scars | Jaghatai Khan | Loyalist |
VI Legion – Space Wolves | Leman Russ | Loyalist |
VII Legion – Imperial Fists | Rogal Dorn | Loyalist |
VIII Legion – Night Lords | Konrad Curze | Traitor |
IX Legion – Blood Angels | Sanguinius | Loyalist |
X Legion – Iron Hands | Ferrus Manus | Loyalist |
XII Legion – World Eaters | Angron | Traitor |
XIII Legion – Ultramarines | Roboute Guilliman | Loyalist |
XIV Legion – Death Guard | Mortarion | Traitor |
XV Legion – Thousand Sons | Magnus the Red | Traitor |
XVI Legion – Luna Wolves / Sons of Horus | Horus Lupercal | Traitor |
XVII Legion – Word Bearers | Lorgar | Traitor |
XVIII Legion – Salamanders | Vulkan | Loyalist |
XIX Legion – Raven Guard | Corvus Corax | Loyalist |
XX Legion – Alpha Legion | Alpharius and Omegon | Traitor |
We’re going to give you a bit of a spoiler here: the loyalists won.The Emperor killed Horus aboard the Warmaster’s attacking flagship, the Vengeful Spirit; the traitor forces splintered and fled; and the loyalists chasedthe routed remaindersof the invading fleet right into the dreaded Eye of Terror.If you want to know what happened tothem, read our guide to Warhammer 40k’s Chaos Space Marines.
In 2022Games Workshoplaunched an accessible second edition ofthe Warhammer: The Horus Heresy tabletop wargame with the massive Age of Darkness box set, so you can now collect and lead your own Heresy-era Space Marine legions.
For now, though, we’re interested in what happened next for the Space Marines who remained loyal to the Imperium of Man.
First Founding Chapters
With the traitor Warmaster dead and Emperor of Man enshrined in living death upon the Golden Throne,Ultramarines Primarch Roboute Guilliman took the reigns of Imperial governance. To ensure that no one person could ever again command the might of a Space Marine legion, Guilliman began the reforms that created theSpace Marine chapters.
In a decree titled the Codex Astartes, Guilliman ordered that the legions be split intoChapters of exactly 1,000 Space Marines, guided by prescribed codes of combat. This event, called the Second Founding, created new ‘successor’ chapters, each adopting their own colors, iconography, and home world, while the so-called “First-founding Chapters” retain the colors and livery of their parent legion.
10,000 years later, in the 41st millennium, there are thousands of Space Marine chapters active across the galaxy. Subsequent foundings have raised new Chapters, and the Ultima founding – initiated in secret by Belisarius Cawl – has added many brotherhoods of mighty Primaris Marines.
Some follow Guilliman’s edicts in the Codex Astartes all these millennia later – others, not so much– and allbut the lucky Ultramarines and mysterious Dark Angels are now missing their Primarchs.
Dark Angels
The former I Legion Astartes, the stern, secretive Dark Angels hail from the forest planet of Caliban. Or rather, the remains of the planet Caliban – the world itself was destroyed,but the Dark Angels chapterstill sails the void in a huge spacecraft built from a fragment of the dead planet, which they call The Rock.
During the Horus Heresy, a large portion of the Dark Angels legion turned to Chaos, leading to a huge, ultraviolent confrontation that saw the loyalist side victorious (but decimated), the planet Caliban itself shattered to bits, and the surviving traitor Dark Angels scattered through time and space by the powers of the warp.
The loyalistshave been hunting down these ‘Fallen’ ever since in a quest forabsolution for their chapter. In the 41st millennium, as a Codex compliant chapter, the Dark Angels are still on this mission of redemption, with multiple successor chapters aiding them.
In battle, the Dark Angels are all about coordinated strikes from specialised ‘wings’, each used to maximum effect. Ravenwing bikers, land speeders, and flyers harry the foe with fast-moving cavalry charges, while a core of ranged infantry fire off fusillades of plasma fire from drilled battle lines.Then, onceenemy lines are weak, the terminator-armored Deathwing knights crash in to finish them off. Dark Angels take some balance to play, but they can be devastating.
If you want to learn more about them, dive into our full Warhammer 40k Dark Angels guide.
Books you need to play Dark Angels
The Dark Angels use units from Codex Space Marines and Codex Supplement: Dark Angels.
White Scars
TheWhite Scars– formerly the V Legion Astartes – are renowned as both one of the most popular Space Marine chapters, and one of the hardest to paint. The sons of Primarch Jaghatai Khan, a.k.a. the Warhawk, the White Scars were briefly neutral in the Horus Heresy, before coming down firmly on the side of the Emperor. In the 41st millennium, they’re still going strong, and compliant with the Codex Astartes, counting many successor chapters to their name.
Now, there’s no beating around the bush on this one: these folksare an incredibly on-the-nose sci-fi analogue for the mounted Mongol hordes of Genghis Khan, which conquered most of the (real) world in the 12th century. The language, names, cultural mores, and martial traditions of their home planet, Chogoris – and all who hail from there – are strongly coded around real-world East Asian and Steppe cultures.
While these themes are sometimes used to create exciting fiction and super-cool in-game content, they’re not too subtle, or particularlydiligentlytied to any real history. Your mileage with this may vary – but it’s something to be aware of.
In battle, the White Scars are all about speed and tactical agility, with rules and abilities that favour swift assaults and sly manoeuvring tricks to outfox enemy defences.
White Scarsarmies therefore tend to include a lot of bikes, land speeders, and other fast vehicles, as well as troop transports, to get their whole fighting force into the position in record time.
Books you need to playWhite Scars
The White Scars use units from Codex Space Marines.
Space Wolves
Once the VI Legion Astartes, the lupine sons of Leman Russ – also known as the Emperor’s Executioners, among many,many other names – the Space Wolves command just as much respect and fear in the 41st millennium as they did in the 31st.
Ferocious, instinctive fighters, they channel the spirit of their fearsome, furry namesakes by fighting in packs, and favouring vicious, overwhelming melee combat over big guns, or fancy footwork. It’s worth noting, too, that, in terms of cultural analogues, these guysare to Scandinaviaas the White Scarsare toMongolia. Cold weather, Futhark runes, and plaited beards aplenty.
While they are as fiercely loyal to the Emperor as ever, the Space Wolves absolutely do not adhere to Roboute Guilliman’s Codex Astartes. We don’t know exactly how many Space Wolves Space Marines there are in the 41st millennium, but it’s significantly more than 1,000.
And, far from organising marines into ten companies of ten separate ten-marine squads, Space Wolves go to war in Great Companies,made up of manydozens of Wolf Packs, organised by battlefield role and seniority (or a mixture of the two). In short, they do things their own way, to the max.
On the tabletop, this goes double; the Space Wolves have long had custom in-game rules that reflect just how different they are from your standard Space Marine.
A variety of unique, sharp-fanged units, such as Thunderwolf Cavalry, Fenrisian Wolves, and the terrifying Wulfen, combine with powerful close combat buffs and stratagems, to make Space Wolves one of Warhammer 40k’s most powerful melee armies.
Books you need to playSpace Wolves
The Space Wolves use units from the free Index Space Wolves, which is available to download from the Warhammer Community website, plus Codex Space Marines.
You can discover Space Wolves lore in theninth editionCodex Space Wolvessupplement.
Imperial Fists
Originally the VII Legion, led by Primarch Rogal Dorn, the Imperial Fists are mostly famed for two things: their vivid yellow armor, and their prodigious skill at fortification and defence.
Put in charge of theprotection of Terra (Earth) and its solar system during the Horus Heresy, the Imperial Fistsand their Primarch won many great victories against Horus’ forces in the extended Siege of Terra, and were certainly vital to the loyalists’ survival under the onslaught of Chaos. Now, 10,000 years later, the Imperial Fists still share the reserved, sceptical, and stoic disposition of their blond-haired gene-father.
They follow the Codex Astartes– witha couple of dozen successor chapters to their name – and are based partly on Holy Terra, and partly aboard the Phalanx, Rogal Dorn’s enormous flagship-slash-fortress monastery.
The Fists also retain their historic expertise where fortifications are concerned,boasting a variety of stratagems and custom psychic powers centred around tackling enemies in buildings, and a Chapter Tactic that lets them ignore enemies’ Light Cover when shooting at them – representing the Fists’ unmatched talent at spotting weak points in walls.
The stolid Imperial Fists may not be the most ‘rock n’ roll’ of Space Marine Chapters; nor, usually, are they the most competitively powerful – but their august history and striking colour scheme make them a favorite of many.
Books you need to playImperial Fists
The Imperial Fists use Codex Space Marines.
You can discover more Imperial Fists lore in the eighth edition Codex Imperial Fists supplement, though you’ll have to shop second hand to find a copy.
Blood Angels
Formed from the IX Legion Astartes, the Blood Angels are the gene-sons of the handsome, tragically clairvoyant Primarch Sanguinius, who was killed by his brother Horus Lupercal in the final battle of the Horus Heresy. They are led, in the 41st millennium, by Commander Dante, the oldest living Space Marine.
These scarlet-armored paragonsare rightly celebratedasoneof the Adeptus Astartes’ most devastating aerial assault forces, and deadly, elegant close-quarters fighters– with a notable streak of altruism and protectiveness over the Imperium’s human citizens that’s often absent in other Space Marine Chapters. But, while nobility and heroismflow throughthe proud Blood Angels’ veins, so too does their hidden Flaw, a disastrous fault in Sanguinius’ genetic code that lurks within every singleSpace Marine of the Blood Angels and their Successor Chapters.
The Flaw can manifest in two ways:
The Black Rage
An agonising psychic echo of Sanguinius’ death at Horus’ hands is imprinted into the mind of every Space Marine of his geneseed. At any time – but usually in the midst of battle – this shared genetic memory can overtake them, filling them with all the vengeful fury felt by the Primarch at the moment of his death, and driving the Space Marine’s lesser mind completely insane.
Blood Angelstaken over by the Rage are assigned to the Chapter’s infamousDeath Company, and deployed where the fighting is thickest, to slake their insatiable anger with the deaths of enemies, before meeting their own end.
The Red Thirst
Buried deep in every Blood Angel’s genetic coding is an instinctive call to violence and bloodshed, which, if embraced and followed to the fullest, leads to an obsession with, and thirst for, the lifeblood of enemies. While the specificeffects of the Red Thirst are the Chapter’s most shameful and best-kept secrets – rumours abound that its victims effectively become the vampires of legend, with sharp fangs, pale skin, extended lifespans, and a compulsion to drink living blood.
Still, if you can get over their potentially haemovoroustendencies, the Blood Angels are an ancient, storied, and distinctive Chapter to collect and play on the tabletop, with quite a few unique units to their name, such as the Death Company and Sanguinary Guard – learn more about them in our guide to the Blood Angels.
Books you need to playBlood Angels
Blood Angels use units from the Codex Space Marines, and at time of writing their Codex Supplement is about to be released.
Iron Hands
Formerly known as theX Legion Astartes, the Iron HandsChapterhave a closer affinity with the technology-loving machine cult of the Adeptus Mechanicus than any other Space Marine Chapter, orperhapsany other branch of the Imperium. In battle, they’re renowned for fielding large numbers of tanks, Dreadnoughts, and other war machines, as opposed to massed infantry – and for encouraging augmetic body part replacements(or improvements, depending on your point of view) among their Space Marines.
This tendency towards mechanised warfare and cyborg enhancements is partly an expression of the personality of their dead Primarch, Ferrus Manus,the consummate engineer, who was decapitated by the traitor Primarch Fulgrim in the opening acts of the Horus Heresy.
But it’s also an attempt to ‘engineer out’ their human emotions, topurge their grief and guilt for Ferrus Manus’ death – as well as, originally, a straightforward practical measure to compensate for theirminiscule numbers of marines, the Chapter having been gutted and routed in the infamous Istvaan V Drop Site Massacre.
Iron Hands have a weird history of being extremely dominant on the tournament scene towards the end ofeachedition of Warhammer 40k.Iron Hands were extremely potent towards the end of Warhammer 40k 8th editiondue to a combination of rules that made all their units unusually survivable, while their vehicles kicked out devastatingdamage. This was balanced out with a rules FAQ in October 2019, however.
Currently, the Arks of Omen Balance Dataslategives the Iron Hands a number of juicy advantages – check our full guide to the Iron Hands for an explanation.
Books you need to playIron Hands
The Iron Hands use rules from Codex Space Marines.
You can discover more Iron Hands lore in the eighth edition Codex Iron Hands supplement, though you’ll have to search second hand retailers to find a copy.
Of all the Space Marine Chapters, the Ultramarines probably need the least introduction. The ‘standard’, vanilla flavour of Space Marines, these disciplined, martial, Ancient Rome-inspired sons of Primarch Roboute Guilliman are the ultimate poster boys– both for the Imperium of Man and forWarhammer 40k itself, appearing on every box and every poster.
Starting life as the XIII Legion Astartes, at the time ofthe Horus Heresy, the Ultramarines were by far the largest Space Marine legion, numbering in the tens of thousands.Though they sustained heavy losses – including through the catastrophic surprise attackat Calth by the traitorous Word Bearers – it remained a massive fighting force throughout the Heresy, and spawned no fewer than 18 successor chapters when the Codex Astartes took effect.
In the 41st millennium, the Ultramarines (and their dozens of successor chapters) form the core of the resurrected Primarch Roboute Guilliman’s efforts to restore and revitalise the Imperium.
They’ve played a prominent part in the game’s main storyline of late, as Guilliman fought off an attack on his own realm of Ultramar by Mortarion’s Death Guard (read Guy Haley’s excellent Dark Imperium trilogy for more).
If you want to don that shining azure armor and join the Imperium’s pre-eminent Space Marines chapter, best get clued up with our Warhammer 40kUltramarines guide.
Books you need to playUltramarines
Ultramarines use Codex Space Marines. You can discover more Ultramarines lore in the eighth edition Codex Ultramarines supplement, if you can find a second-hand copy.
The XVIII Legion Astartes, and a proud and resilient First Founding Chapter, the green-armored Salamanders are a rather distinctive lot, for a few different reasons.
Native to the volcano-covered Death World of Nocturne, and based in a fortress monastery on its moon, Prometheus, the Salamanders favour fire and flamer-type weapons, above all other chapters – as evidenced on the tabletop by their unique Flamecraft and The Fires of Battle stratagems.
In Warhammer 40k lore, the Salamanders, like their lost Primarch, Vulkan, are also uniquely concerned with the welfare of the Imperium’s human citizenry, capable of stubbornly refusing to cooperate with a battle plan if it involves severe collateral damage to civilian populations.
In another questionable analogue to real-world human ethnicities, the Salamanders are also notable for their stone-hard, obsidian-black skin. Canonically, it’s caused by one of the Space Marines’ implanted extra organs, the Melanochrome, which causes their skin to change its colour and structure to protect against radiation-rich environments, in the same way humans’ skin evolved over millennia to be darker-coloured in sunnier climates –onlyorders of magnitude faster.
They’re pointedly notofficiallyrelated to Earth’s black-skinned African ethnicities in any way – and yet, mysteriously,many Salamander characters in GW’s Black Library audiobooks are voiced withrecognisable, yet non-specific African accents. More than anything, the Salamanders’ lore and real-world connectionsjust seem disappointingly confused, and feel like a missed opportunity for Black African representation.
Like various aspects of Warhammer 40k lore, this topic has sparked many unpleasant, andoften very stupid, debates among fans. The bottom line is that the Salamanders make sense in-universe, but – like the White Scars, Space Wolves, and Sisters of Battle, among others–they’reevidencethat Warhammer’s narrative rootswere planted in a time when haphazard, ill-considered fictional representations of women andpeople of colour were commonplace. It’s not a reason to cancel them, just important context – and a valuable reminder of Warhammer’s golden rule: don’t be a dick.
Once you’ve squared that away, there’s loads to love about thisarmy. With a Chapter Tactic and special rules themed around reliable, high-quality weaponry, they tend to be one of the more competitive Space Marine armies, too – check out our guide to Salamandersfor some suggestions.
Oh, and Vulkan lives!
Books you need to playSalamanders
The Salamanders use Codex Space Marines, and you can find extra lore in the eighth edition Codex Salamanders supplement, though you’ll need to search for a copy on the second hand market.
Raven Guard
The XIX Legion Astartes, now the Raven Guardchapter, hold the triple distinctions of beingthe most ’emo’ Space Marine chapter; the stealthiest Space Marines; and the ones with the silliest names.
Their Primarch’s name, Corvus Corax, is literally the real-world Latin speciesdesignationfor the common raven (and, individually, both those Latin words also mean ‘raven’). His chapter’s fortress monastery, on their homeworld of Deliverance, is called the Ravenspire. It’s serious overkill.
Still, with that out of the way, these alabaster-skinned, jet-black-haired Space Marines have a noble history of service to the Imperium – cruelly interrupted, like that of the Iron Hands and Salamanders, by being very nearly exterminated in the Istvaan V massacre.
The Raven Guard survived, however, and thrived, cultivating a name for themselves as silent, efficient killers, adept at achieving perfect positioning, before descending upon thefoe from above to deal out sudden, sharp-bladed death.Codex Compliant, the Raven Guard boast a respectable family of successor chapters, including – most likely – the well-loved, shark-fancying Carcharodons chapter.
In the 41st millennium, the Raven Guard are led by Chapter Master Kayvaan Shrike, who recently crossed the Rubicon Primaris, changing from a Firstborn marine into a Primaris Space Marine, and getting a gloriously moody new miniature in the process.
Books you need to playRaven Guard
Raven Guard use rules frmo Codex Space Marines. You can find more Raven Guard lore in the the eighth edition Codex Raven Guard supplement, which is available secondhand.
Space Marines successor chapters
In Warhammer 40k lore, there are many hundreds of known Space Marine successor chapters, so we couldn’t possibly cover them all – but there are a handful which have carved out more of a name for themselves than most – so we’ll tell you a little bit about those trailblazers.
What’s more, there are a number of Space Marine armies that stand apart from the main chapter structure – if you’re interested in the silver-armored, psychic, daemon-hunting Knights of Titan, check out our full guide to theGrey Knights.
If you lean more towards black-clad, alien-busting special ops Kill Teams, you’ll want to peruse our Warhammer 40k Deathwatch guide.
And if (like famousfan of WarhammerHenry Cavill) you feel drawn toward the golden light and preternatural fighting skills of the Emperor’s chosen bodyguards – check out our guide to the Adeptus Custodes.
In the meantime, though, let’s meet the:
Black Templars
By far the largest and most storied Successor Chapter out there, the zealous, crusading Black Templars, more than any other Space Marine Chapter, the angry, vengeful, hate-fueled, religious fury at the heart of the Imperium of Man in the 41st millennium.
Though they were founded from the dour, reserved Imperial Fists, and are created from the very same geneseed – that of Rogal Dorn– the Templars personify that noble Primarch’s permanently subdued rage, unleashed, and focused through therefining prism of dogmatic belief in the Emperor’s divinity, to produce an unrivalled destructive force, powered by faith and fury.
The Black Templars don’t even come close to following the Codex Astartes, recruiting new Space Marines as widely as possible, and conducting vast, endless, thousands-strong crusades against the Imperium’s many enemies in all kinds of far-flung cornersof the galaxy.
We’ll have a fully-fledged guide on the Black Templars soon, but for now, check out ourcoverage of the 2021Black Templars army set, featuring a new Black Templars codex, and a bunch of brand new models for the Chapter.
Books you need to playBlack Templars
Black Templars use datasheets from Codex Space Marines and Index Black Templars, which you can download from the Warhammer Community website.
You can discover more Black Templars lore in the ninth edition Codex Black Templars supplement.
Crimson Fists
If the Crimson Fists Space Marines were a word, that word would be: ‘indomitable’. A less kind word might be ‘inflexible’.
Another successor chapter of Rogal Dorn’s Imperial Fists, their entire forces, fortress monastery, and home planet of Rynn’s World were almost entirely wiped out by anOrk Waaagh!from which they refused to retreat – but the chapter survived, by skin of its teeth, and by the legendary, unstinting courage of their Chapter Master Pedro Kantor, with just a few Space Marines left.
Since then, despite their minimal numbers, and the devastation of their home region of space, the Crimson Fists have dutifully followed the Codex Astartes, and built a martial reputation around their knack for stubbornly holding ground. Even their tabletop Chapter Tactic reflects it: appropriately titledNo Matter The Odds, it grants Crimson Fists modelsa bonus to hit,if they’re shooting at a unit with at least five more models in it than the shooter’s own. Worth choosing if you like to make a stand.
Books you need to play Crimson Fists
The Crimson Fists use rules from Codex Space Marines. You can find more Crimson Fists lore in the eighth edition Codex Imperial Fists supplement, though you’ll need to search second hand retailers to find a copy.
Flesh Tearers
The Blood Angels’ most famous Successor Chapter, the Flesh Tearers, have a well-deserved reputation for ferocious bloodlust (the clue’s in the name). Shunned by their parent chapter and the other Successors for their uncommon, occasionally uncontrolled brutality in battle, the Flesh Tearers have come close to being excommunicated from the Imperium and designated Renegades, but have always been exonerated as loyal – though just barely.
With their strain of their Primarch’s geneseed especially prone toSanguinius’ genetic faults, more Flesh Tearers succumb to the Black Rage and Red Thirst than any other Blood Angels Successors – adding to their reputation for unchained slaughter, and suspicions of Chaos corruption.
TheirChapter Master, Gabriel Seth, mitigatesthe worst of this by committing his troops as vanguard forces right into the thick of every assault, hoping to sate their desire for bloodletting, and minimise chances of the Flesh Tearers losing control and tearing into their own allies.
The arrival of Primaris Space Marine reinforcements has also reportedly been a stabilising influence, as they appear more resilient to the pitfalls of Sanguinius’ infamous genetic ‘Flaw’ – though Gabriel Seth has a nasty habit of headbutting the pretty out of them until theylook like proper Flesh Tearers
Books you need to playFlesh Tearers
The Flesh Tearers use Codex Space Marines and Codex Supplement Blood Angels.
Badab War Chapters
Near the end of the 41st Millennium, the Imperial Badab cluster became embroiled in a vicious civil war between several Space Marine Chapters. After centuries spent holding back Chaos incursions from the Maelstrom warp rift, Chapter Master Lufgt Huron of the Astral Claws had expanded both his domain and the strength of his chapter, eventually forming a pocket empire.
When Imperial retribution came to stamp down on this secessionist domain, several other loyalist chapters followed the Astral Claws into rebellion.
The lore for the Badab War has existed since the first edition of the game, which named 17 chapters as participants. Only one of those, the Salamanders, would receive a major write up in 40k novels and be recognised as first-founding chapters. When Forge World released two Badab War supplements in 2010 and 2011, it gave new write-ups to the other chapters.
Astral Claws and Tiger Claws – excommunicatus traitoris
Parent chapter: Unknown
Chapter Master: Lufgt Huron
The Astral Claws and their successors, the Tiger Claws, have been stricken from Imperial Records, but they are not altogether gone. Though grievously wounded in the final stage of the Badab War, Lufgt Huron survived. The Tyrant of Badab lives on as Huron Blackheart, leader of the Red Corsairs, one of the largest Traitor Astartes formations outside the Black Legion.
Parent chapter: Blood Angels
Chapter Master: Unknown. Last known master was Malakim Phoros
The Lamenters are a Blood Angels’ successor created during the 21st Founding – also known as the “Cursed” founding. Uniquely among the Blood Angels’ successors, they do not appear to suffer from either the Black Rage or the Red Thirst – but it seems that some karmic force holds them in contempt, for they are cursed with abominable luck.
Siding with the Astral Claws during the Badab War is one such example – they were almost annihilated by the fighting. Although judged as “innocent” as the Imperium can conceive of, to redeem themselves they were required to undertake a century-long penitent crusade, with no right to recruit Neophytes. This, then, led straight into the path of the second Tyrannic War…
Somehow, the Lamenters aren’t canonically extinct.
Parent chapter: unknown
Chapter master: Asterion Moloc
The Minotaurs are a mysterious chapter of unknown provenance. Unlike other Space Marine chapters, which are fiercely independent, they seem to answer directly to the High Lords of Terra. They have access to remarkably high quality equipment, and a reputation for utter brutality.
Carcharadon Astra
Parent chapter: Unknown
Chapter Master: Tyberos, the Red Wake.
The Carcharadon Astra, or Space Sharks, are a fleet based chapter, which operates mostly in the outer dark far above or below the main galactic plane, for they are a chapter in exile, though they have tithing rights to recruit neophytes from penal worlds, and productive exchanges with the Adeptus Mechanicus to resupply them with materiel.
Whatever crime they once committed is truly ancient. Their exact heritage is unknown. Their pitch black eyes suggest they are descendents of Corvus Corax, and their Chapter iconography concurs with ancient Ravenguard exile marks. However, their affinity with terror, and the insane bloodlust of their melee assaults, suggests they may have an altogether more sinister origin.
Before the coming of the Primaris, Chapter Master Tyberos was the largest known Space Marine. The Chapter shows some genetic deviation, particularly the formation of denticles on their skin, turning it grey and abrasive like shark flesh.
Sons of Medusa
Parent chapter: Iron Hands
Chapter Master: Led by a council of three Iron Thanes
The Sons of Medusa are a strange splinter chapter, founded on the disgraced philosophy of Forge World Moirae. While the Moirae Schism saw the Forge World itself, and all adherents of its creed, annihilated by the forces of the Adeptus Mechanicus, the Iron Warriors and their successors chose to isolate those of their number who had adopted the now-heretical doctrine in a new chapter, the Sons of Medusa.
While the philosophy of the Sons of Medusa now bears scant connection with the doctrine they once avowed, distorted by millennia of retelling, they nevertheless derive impressive prognosticatory capabilities from their own peculiar philosophy. This gives them the ability to intervene in battles in ways that may seem reckless, almost foolhardy, to others who cannot see the true extent of their foresight – but they are able to fight in ways that far exceed their limited numbers.
- Raptors
- Exorcists
- Howling Griffons
- Red Scorpions
- Star Phantoms
- Fire Hawks
- Mantis Warriors
- Executioners
- Marines Errant
- Novamarines
- Fire Angels
If you want more lore about the Space Marines, check out our guide to the best Warhammer 40k books – they star in many of the best stories.
With thanks to Ramanan Sivaranjan for his photo of the Crimson Fists diorama at Warhammer World, andNerodinefor his Ultramarines Lieutenant Calsius and his Space Wolves Grey Hunters.